• Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
• Human rights are above property rights.
• Religious freedom is our American right.
• Limited Government as espoused by Thomas Jefferson and John Lock.
• Guaranteed right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, for all.
Answer: It is my experience that stands out and apart from the others.
My Introduction:
I am Tyrone Wade, a product of the Bay Area, having been born and raised here. A proud alumnus of WC Overfelt High School, I am also a Royal, rooted in my local community.
My Early Political Years:
In my early foray into public service, I spearheaded the Santa Clara County Youth Council—an Advisory Board working in conjunction with the Juvenile Justice Commission. My career journey encompasses financial management involving budgets, contracts, and grants, along with a stint in the tech industry. My experiences extend to working as a Marriage, Family, and Crisis Counselor for individuals of all backgrounds—couples, singles, and children. Moreover, I have served as a Police Records Clerk and taken charge of a Homeless Shelter.
My Public Record:
My public service record spans various cities and counties across the Bay Area, where I have held administrative staff roles. At present, I fulfill the role of a Paralegal, actively engaged in petitioning the State of California to address the injustices within the Children's Protective Services system.
My Commitment as Mayor:
This petition stands as a shield against the potential harm inflicted on our children and families by CPS, safeguarding the rights of innocent parents and offering them the chance to foster child-safe and nurturing environments within their homes. My commitment to this cause epitomizes my dedication to fostering a better future for our community as Mayor of the City of San Jose.
Answer: I am running to protect the family and family values by guarding the rights of innocent parents, and saving our children and families from the traumas of the Department of Children Protective Services.
I am dedicated to ensuring the housing needs of all unhoused residents in San Jose are met. My commitment extends to creating a secure, environmentally-conscious, and cost-effective housing solution that is accessible to every member of our community.
We will embark on a journey to transform, revamp, and reallocate resources within our Police Department. This initiative seeks to minimize risks faced by our officers while enhancing public safety measures and bolstering community trust. Our goal is to ensure a safer environment for all, and rebuild the confidence our community places in our law enforcement efforts.
I am committed to facilitating the creation and implementation of an educational system that accurately portrays facts and history, one that genuinely represents diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds without perpetuating racism. Through this effort, we aim to foster an inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students.
It is my mission to put an end to the school-to-prison pipeline. By implementing comprehensive reforms and alternatives, we aim to redirect the trajectory that leads students from educational institutions to the criminal justice system. This endeavor focuses on providing support, resources, and opportunities that allow our youth to flourish and avoid unnecessary entanglements with the legal system.
Our focus is on diminishing the inclination of convicted individuals to re-offend, addressing the issue of recidivism. Through rehabilitative programs, community engagement, and opportunities for reintegration, we are working to break the cycle of criminal behavior and provide individuals with a chance to successfully reintegrate into society.
Our goal is to reverse the trend of people leaving California in large numbers. By fostering a thriving economy, creating affordable housing options, and improving the overall quality of life, we intend to encourage individuals and families to stay and contribute to the vitality of our state.
I am determined to establish an independent Department comprised of city residents. This department will be tasked with monitoring and managing instances of government overreach, ensuring accountability, transparency, and safeguarding the rights of our community members. Through this initiative, we aim to maintain a balanced relationship between our government and the citizens it serves.
We are committed to advocating for and facilitating the adoption of a citywide universal health plan. This initiative seeks to provide accessible and comprehensive healthcare coverage for all residents, promoting the well-being and health of our community as a whole.
I am committed to implementing a city policy that grants residents and the local community the initial opportunity to purchase any government property up for sale. This approach aims to curtail the displacement of residents and communities at the hands of large corporations and the affluent. By prioritizing the interests of our residents and fostering community ownership, we can create a more equitable and inclusive environment for all.
I am Tyrone Wade, equipped with experience that aligns with the demands of today and solutions to address the present challenges.
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