Our mission is to uphold and safeguard the inherent rights of all San Jose residents, ensuring a society where governance is truly by the people and for the people.
Growing up, I had the privilege of being raised by a strong and unwavering single mother who instilled in me the belief that our potential is limitless. From an early age, I was introduced to the names of remarkable trailblazers such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and the enduring legacy of the Kennedy family, which have resonated deeply throughout my life.
I have borne witness to the transformative periods of history, from the tumultuous times of Vietnam to the presidencies of Nixon and Reagan, and the heart-wrenching tragedy of the Kent State massacre. My life’s journey has taken me through various roles, from serving in local government to working in law enforcement. I have also had the privilege of being a counselor for families in crisis and managing shelters for the homeless. These diverse experiences have left an indelible mark on my soul, shaping profound values that continue to guide my path.
Yet, the present gives rise to disquiet. The hard-won rights and protections that my parents and countless others fought for are being eroded. The persistence of homelessness, the lack of affordable housing, a faltering education system, and the cycle of generational debt trouble me deeply. Equipped with my honed skills, life’s lessons, and historical awareness, I believe in our capacity for improvement. Together, we hold the power to elevate our shared prospects.
My Mayoral platform is founded upon fostering hope, amplifying opportunities, and charting a course towards collective achievement and prosperity.
Our mission is to uphold and safeguard the inherent rights of all San Jose residents, ensuring a society where governance is truly by the people and for the people.
Our vision is to create a vibrant and inclusive San Jose where every individual's rights are honored, and the essence of true democracy thrives.
Keep The Promise. Fulfill The Dream!

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