Keep The Promise. Fulfill The Dream!
"My goal is to reaffirm and secure the promised rights to all individuals and citizens of San Jose. Reestablish and guarantee our right to be governed by the people and for the people."
-Tyrone Wade - Mayoral Candidate 2024
Welcome to the Official WADE4MAYOR.COM Website!
We’ve crafted this platform to empower you to make secure online donations, enlist as a volunteer, share your viewpoints on pertinent issues, and stay in the loop with the latest campaign updates through email and text messages. Don’t miss out – join our mailing list by registering here.
Call to Action
"Everyone works together in pursuit and support of the same promise offered by the founders of this country. The rights and opportunities promised to all who came and all who stayed. The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And the right and opportunity for self-governance. As Mayor and official of the people's government of the City of San Jose it would be my job to lead the council in the management and development of the cities' resources and assets.
Keep The Promise. Fulfill The Dream!

This platform was created to provide you with a secure way to make online donations, register for volunteering opportunities, express your views on pertinent issues, and receive the latest updates about the campaign through email and/or text messages. Join us now by signing up to be a part of our mailing list.

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